# Git 101 基礎入門
# Git起源
Git是一種著重於速度的Version Control System (opens new window)和Source Code Management System (opens new window),最初是由Linux Torvalds (opens new window)為了維護Linux Kernel (opens new window)而在2005年創建的。
# Git特色
Git基於維護Linux Kernel (opens new window)這樣大型專案的需求與經驗,以及一些File System的概念而誕生,其著重的特色:
- Non-linear Development
- Distributed Development
- Compatibility with existing systems/protocols
- Efficient handling of large projects
- Cryptographic authentication of history
- Toolkit-based design
- Pluggable merge strategies
- Garbage accumulates unless collected
- Periodic explicit object packing
# Git基本指令
git init
- 起始一個git repository
git status
- 檢查git repository的目前(commit/push)狀態
git add [檔案]
- 新增commit檔案
git rm [檔案]
- 刪除commit檔案
git commit -m “[commit註解]“
- commit檔案並附上註解
git log
- 查看commit歷史紀錄
git remote add [repository名稱] [repository網址]
- 新增remote repository
git remote -v
- 列出目前設定的remote
git push -u [repository名稱] [branch名稱]
- 推送檔案到remote repository上
- -u 記住這次參數設定,下次只要git push即可
git pull [repository名稱] [branch名稱]
- 從remote repository上拉檔案下來
git diff HEAD
- 比較檔案差異,最新的commit指標為HEAD
git checkout –[目標檔案]
- 回復版本
git branch [branch名稱]
- 開新分支
git branch -d [branch名稱]
- 刪除分支
git checkout [branch名稱]
- 切換分支
git merge [來源branch]
- 合併分支
# Git練習
- http://try.github.io/ (opens new window)
- http://pcottle.github.io/learnGitBranching/ (opens new window)
# 參考資料
- http://git-scm.com/ (opens new window)
- https://github.s3.amazonaws.com/media/progit.en.pdf (opens new window)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software) (opens new window)
本篇投影片網址 http://www.slideshare.net/howar31/git-101-25940669 (opens new window)
Written with StackEdit (opens new window).